Posted 16 October 2012
There is quite a bit in this issue about the customer feedback survey and I’d like to add my thanks to all of those that took part. It’s always good to read positive comments but the real reason for doing it was to improve our service. It’s much easier to learn from people who tell you where you are going wrong and where you can improve than it is from compliments -although we do like receiving them!
A great many recommendations were made by customers ranging from ‘increase the product range’ through ‘make it clearer when you have a new catalogue’ to ‘better labelling on drums’.
Price was an area of concern for several customers. We work hard to keep prices low and we want to provide good quality and excellent service as well as great prices. We believe this adds up to the best value for money for customers. If we fall down on any of these points – quality, service or price – please let your sales contact know. Call me or drop me an email and let’s see if we can correct it.
My thanks also go to all those who have enabled us to get ISO14001 accreditation.
Green issues often provoke strong feelings at both extremes with indifference in the middle. I am delighted to say it hasn't been a struggle to get people on board and staff at FS Cables have responded really positively looking at ways we can all make a difference.
At the end of the day, cutting down waste and reducing landfill is just good old-fashioned common sense. After an initial teething period we have settled down into separating waste and compacting polyethylene and it all seems remarkably simple now that recycling has become second nature in the company.
The only downside I can think of is the cost of waste bailing equipment and the storage space needed for recyclable waste.
If you’re interested in getting ISO14001 for yourselves please contact me – we’ll be happy to go through our experiences which may be useful to you.
Best wishes
Jon Herbert