Posted 15 October 2012
Recent global shortages and price increases of PTFE resin have caused significant price rises in PTFE insulated cables across the industry.
Virgin PTFE has almost trebled in price in the last year. The global shortage is estimated to be around 1000 tonnes and the EU estimate it will continue to be in short supply until 2030!
This is a consequence of both planned and unplanned reductions in PTFE production and a lack of raw materials, with fluorspar particularly being in short supply.
The earthquake in Japan has forced many manufacturers to halt production of the material, commonly used in high temperature cables, seals, tapes and mouldings. PTFE is unaffected by most oils, fuels and fluids.
The high and low temperature range and excellent dielectric properties make it an ideal material for high performance cables. Lead times from many factories are now in the region of 14-20 weeks.
We have increased our own stocks but are still experiencing peak demands. The safest way of guaranteeing supply is to place a call-off order for a year which not only ensures you get the cable when you want it but also fixes the price. You only pay for the cable as you call it off.
To discuss how this could benefit you further, please call and speak to Stuart Beagle in the OEM sales team on 01727 849803.