
Posted 12 October 2012

Tags: Cut-To-Length

Over the past 12 months we’ve reduced hundreds of prices by looking critically at the supply chain and where possible cutting out costs without reducing either quality or service.

One key area is working with product managers to calculate optimum manufacturing quantities for individual products. In some cases this means we hold up to a year’s worth of sales in stock, which not only drops the price (in some cases significantly) but also cushions us against sudden large orders and limits ‘out of stock’ situations.

The second great saving comes from getting factories to pre-pack cable into popular lengths, namely 100m, 200m and 500m reels. This reduces double handling and saves on wages and packing materials.

We still hold large reels to cater for ‘cut to length’ requirements but far more products are arriving pre-packed from the factory.

Cutting margins and becoming more efficient at all aspects of the business has helped us offer you even better value for money while continuing with the service levels you need.